Science writing: turning complicated science into compelling stories.
Nicola Temple is a researcher and writer who has worked with organisations in Canada, the US, the UK and Australia.
***New book***

Long before there was the ready meal, humans processed food to preserve it and make it safe. From fire to fermentation, our ancestors survived periods of famine by changing the very nature of their food. This ability to process food has undoubtedly made us one of the most successful species on the planet, but have we gone too far?
Writing about science
For over a decade, Nicola has woven scientific evidence, humour and passion together to create communications that are educational, engaging and accessible. Her work has helped inform the public as well as industry and policy-makers.
Before becoming a full time writer, Nicola worked for many years as a conservation biologist. She has conducted fieldwork in remote and challenging landscapes, and isn’t averse to getting her hands dirty. In fact, some might say she quite enjoys it!
“Working with Nicola has been a pleasure from start to finish. Not only is she a talented writer, excellent interviewer and exceptionally accurate in her work, but her genuine interest and excitement about science is evident in everything she writes.”
~ Dr. Philippa Bayley, Manager of The Cabot Institute
“She’s an amazing writer, full of creativity and wit that engages the reader.”
~ Joe Barrios, Editor-in-Chief, EcoVillageGreen
Among grizzlies and groupers – find out where Nicola discovered her love of storytelling.