Suspicious saffron
There have been reports of beet fiber, capsicum, corn silk, grass, onion, silk, gelatine and even dried animal meat being fashioned into little replica saffron threads.
There have been reports of beet fiber, capsicum, corn silk, grass, onion, silk, gelatine and even dried animal meat being fashioned into little replica saffron threads.
Seafood is one of the most traded food commodities in the world. Squid caught off the coast of California are shipped to Asia to be cleaned and packaged, before being shipped back to the US for sale – a 19,000 km round trip. Shrimp have earned considerable air miles before ending up on our plates….
This was my third year as editor for the Cabot Institute Magazine and I think it has got better with each year. Have a look inside the full magazine →
There’s a sarcastic response on the tip of her tongue, but I watch her swallow it.
What to do when you buy an alarmingly large amount of British strawberries – knowing the difference between your climacteric and non-climacteric fruits. Read the full article on the Botanic Garden blog
The intimate details of how legumes communicate with their symbiotic soil bacteria. Read the full article on the Botanic Garden blog
While we await the answers to these broader questions regarding the personalities of fish, perhaps the acknowledgement that they are individuals will advance our ethical treatment of fish.
“It has never been more important… ever… that human beings should understand the workings of the world which is our home.”
It’s difficult to use a map if you don’t know where you are or where you’ve been. But it’s truly futile if you have no idea where you’re going.
Humans can outperform our canine friends and the most sensitive measuring instruments when sniffing out certain odours.
The human olfactory system can detect and identify thousands of these odorants and due to our genetic makeup, cultural upbringing and personal experiences, two people can react very differently to the exact same odorants.
Despite having a daily bombardment of a million and one ways to either die or get fat from eating….we all seem to religiously partake in the endless display of delicious food that is provided for us.